Ryan Mach is a content marketing manager at Ranker, a WrapPRO partner. Visit Ranker Insights for more unique information about any audience or for more information.
Ryan Mach
Ignore Readers at Your Peril: YA Adaptations Cash In When They Win Over Book Fans | Chart
Ranker Insights data shows a connection between box office success and appealing to your core readership
Pro Available to WrapPRO members
MoviesPro Available to WrapPRO members
Does the Billion-Dollar ‘Barbie’ Box Office Mean Blockbuster Comedies Are Back? | Charts
Ranker data reveals a generational divide in the films comedy fans are connecting with
Pro Available to WrapPRO members
WrapPROPro Available to WrapPRO members
Do Fans of Historical TV Shows Favor a Particular Time Period? | Charts
Ranker Insights data provide a cross-section of the most popular period shows and when they’re set
Pro Available to WrapPRO members
TVPro Available to WrapPRO members